When looking for credit repair services at Atlanta, there are several agencies available that provide credit analysis and repair. Each of these companies may specialize in different areas or all of them. Some of the main agencies are Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. Each of these has a specific area of focus. There are other agencies that offer a wide range of financial services including debt consolidation, budgeting, loan protection and other credit enhancement products.
An example of a credit score repair service is a company that will review your credit report for errors. They will tell you what is wrong and give you suggestions on how to fix it. Another company will contact your creditors to negotiate a repayment plan. They will help you find a lump sum that can cover the remaining balance on your outstanding accounts and help you manage a budget.
One main reason that people seek the help of an agency is because they are unsure of their credit report and do not know what to do. They may have negative entries or errors that are preventing them from getting loans. These agencies can check your credit report and give you advice on what to do to improve it. This could be debt consolidation, taking out a loan or revamping your current credit cards. Many credit cards carry annual fees and penalties that add up over time and can damage your score. An agency can help you get out of debt, avoid late fees and penalties and give you advice on how to manage your credit cards.
Credit repair companies may also offer other services. For example, they can provide a list of negative items on your report that will require you to dispute them with the credit bureaus. This can get them removed and make it easier to obtain loans, insurance and even employment. The length of the dispute varies, but it usually takes about six months to one year to successfully dispute the items on your report.
Not all credit repair companies in Atlanta offer this same service. Some are more experienced and have higher standards for the information they provide than others. You should carefully research any company that you are considering using before hiring them. You should also ask questions to make sure that they really do have experience working with the credit scores that you are concerned about. Georgia does not have a separate bureau for credit scores, so any company offering to help you there must be licensed to do so in Georgia.
Whether you decide to hire an agency or go it alone when it comes to your credit score, using a professional can help you get the results that you want. It is always best to fix mistakes on your report that are the result of a court order. If you have filed for bankruptcy, you may not be able to have these negative items removed. However, if you were the victim of identity theft, you may be able to remove some of these negative items through a simple dispute. Credit repair Atlanta makes the process as easy as possible, but it does take time.